First Pumpkin!

First Pumpkin

First pumpkin of the summer.

While watering and checking the garden I found our first pumpkin ready to be plucked. It is not grand in size but JUST right. A beautiful orange color. Along with the pumpkin were about 20 tomatoes sun ripened and ready to pluck.

It is always exciting to see everything grow and thrive and know you have made it so (along with mother nature!) but the most exciting part is that I did not plant any pumpkin seeds this Spring. This pumpkin was the aftermath of excellent composting. I believe a handful of pumpkin seeds from last years batch were mixed in with our compost…and here it is! Beautiful. I am a huge advocate for composting and keeping it organic. A good compost pile can create one of the best gardens.

Now onto the harder part, WHAT am I going to make out of this pumpkin?! Pumpkin bread, pie, pumpkin ice cream? The possibilities are endless.