Food and Simplicity

“Everything should be made as simple as possible, but not simpler.” – Albert Einstein


Today I woke up with my son jumping on my stomach announcing it is “wake up time” and that means it is also time to make breakfast. His favorite time of the day is breakfast, and snack time.

I always pay close attention to what he asks for to eat. It is in those moments when I realize the simplicity of life.

“I want avocado, mommy!” he shouted, I responded “for breakfast?” “yes, cause it’s good and yummy.”

Cause it’s good and yummy. One fruit that has fallen off our large trees and landed in our backyard became the staple of breakfast, and sometimes lunch. Often I go to grand recipes of time and elaborate design to prepare something unique and pleasing to the tongue. But in the moments of frustration I can forget sometimes the simplicity of life; one item can be just as magnificent. A sunny morning in the garden munching on a perfectly ripe avocado while my son talks about the food we grow. And although he doesn’t yet understand, he is having a philosophical conversation about life and soaking in all the wonderful simplicity of it.

These moments can quickly be erased by the watch on our wrists or the phone call about a project for work, but setting time aside to have simplicity where nothing happens can be the most motivating moment. When these moments happen with a friend or my son I like to think it’s a bit like social meditating.

Take in the details, the sensations, the conversation, and have an avocado.